Its taken a lot of thinking and looking around for the right budget template, however I found a fantastic one at and I just finished my monthly budget for August 2014. A mistake I've made in the past 2 months was overspending what I didn't have even moreso than I usually do and now I'm ready to crack down and defeat this debt monster.
Since I last quit my last job around 5 months ago, I have stopped putting payments to the BOMAD (Mom & Dad) for my rent and cell phone bills- so from now until September is the time I can really try to work more and put more money towards my debt repayment. I'm currently in the process of finding another job so I calculated how my budget would be very loosely on my current income which is min. $1000-1300 monthly.
I probably shouldn't really be eating out at ALL given my current situation.. but seeing as I usually work quite early and am frankly too exhausted to cook at times- I did allocate myself a bit of freedom in that department because I have an obsession with Starbucks Coffee and takeout food.
As you can see, I didn't put anything aside for my Personal Loan #2 because that one is a bit more flexible in terms of repayment and is also interest free. Before I start attacking that monster, I should focus on the other more important repayments first with the money I am currently making ATM versus money I think I will be earning in the next few weeks. (Which is still an eh right now.)
As for my August 2014 Goals...
1) Decluttering my clothes, make up and just STUFF.
2) Attempting to read the "Art of Juicing" and one other cookbook I bought eons ago.
3) Declutter my laptop and phone.
4) Find a secondary job.
5) Go to the gym at least once every two weeks.
6) Make at least one green juice per week.
7) Only buy Starbucks once every two weeks.
Hopefully most of these will be conquered though I do expect a few slip ups for the next three months of beginning this journey of mine..
How were you guys in your first month of budgeting? Were you more successful than you thought?
-average girl.
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