Monday, June 1, 2015


Hi y'all!

It seems like ages since I've last updated this blog. Lets just say life has gotten really busy, bad decisions were made and unnecessary trips were booked. Since I've last posted- I made the financial decision for myself to finally move back home (away from all the temptations and bad influences).

It was definitely a headache trying to explain to my parents WHY exactly I had to move back home and not live on my own anymore. Thankfully, they have been very understanding (whether or not they know my situation is now the question) and has been really helpful towards my budget to not spend extra on rent + hydro + food.

Unfortunately I ran into some trouble with my housing company and ended up having to pay what I owed in rent for these next few months which really blows into my budget (Extra $700 gone) however this teaches me a lesson in who I rent from next time.

You think since my last post I would have gotten the idea and started budgeting and paying off my debts already........but NOPE- it only got worse! I think I tried to escape by going on trips over the whole month of January which didn't help, it only made my budgeting worse and also slowly chipped away at my savings.

I came back in February with a mountain of debt, and no money to cover any of my expenses that soon needed paying. Fast forward to now- I have gotten a established job and started paying back my debts one by one. I am excited to know that I will be finished paying off Debt #1 in less than 5 months and then tackling the next one! (BTW, I have 3 big debts in total and the little ones are just to myself).

I was toying with the fact of getting a second job.... but am afraid I can't handle it.. (I have had two fulltime jobs at the same time in the past)

My question to everyone is: What are your thoughts on having a second job and if you already have one- how are you handling it?

- average girl

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